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    Makin' it rain on Mars

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  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the new Star Wars film! It was like watching the old films, but in a sense that's what we all really wanted. Can't wait for all of you guys to watch it so that we can talk about it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goggwell


      Well, it's too bad you hate Star Wars. But yes, may the force be with you :)

    3. Zahir


      I don't hate it, I just don't really like it.

    4. Raggnar


      I am not a fan aswell but i heared it's a very nice film

    5. MickySoFine


      Spoiler : Obi Wan Kenobi dies!

    6. WheresWaldo


      Han Solo got rape and body fell thru to hell by hes own son whos mother is leia and cliff hanger, luke daughter giving handling hes light saber and camera spinning around and movies end and at the ending with no extra scene for next star wars film episode 8 till march 2017, bad disney

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