Hi, are you someone who finds and hacks random games on the app store? Have you found this aids clash royale copy and it cannot be hacked easily?
Well I have a hack for you
Step 1: Download LocallAPStore from Cydia (You should already have this)
Step 2: Go into the game and complete the tutorial.
Step 3: Turn on airplane mode and click the in-app purchase you want and spam the hell out of it.
Step 4: If it does not allow you to do it anymore just turn wifi back on, wait, then repeat Step 3.
Step 5: Screw over all the peasants in the battles, enjoy!
Tell me if you have any problems with the hack
Alternate hack:
Downgrade the app using BigBoss repo to 1.8.9 or anything near the bottom, complete tutorial, spam the in-app purchase normally without airplane mode, and then finally upgrade the app.