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  1. @Zahir bro, the resources still decreasing when i used it, can you please check if the hack is working? Im using non jailbroken ios. Thank you
  2. Hello brother, can you please take a look at Rogue idle RPG v1.5.3 +8 cheats for Non-jailbroken? The hack doesnt seem to be working. Thank you.

    1. Zahir


      Can you try the new version?

    2. chrisng1992


      Its still not working, im using non jailbroken ios. Can you please check? Thanks bro

    3. Zahir


      Hi, updated. Should be working now

    4. chrisng1992


      Yes, its working, thanks bro.

  3. @Zahir hi, the hack still doesnt work, all the resources still decreasing, can you please check? Thank you brother.
  4. @DanYal please fix the app, we can sync the old data which means we have to start a whole new game at level 1 again and the app will crash at the 1st time when we hit the monster. Thank you
  5. 1 year VIP non Jail please.
  6. Please make it hapen
  7. Please make it happen thank you
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