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  1. Oh ok thank you. i used an on Device Installer (dont know if I can use the name in here) and that always blocks GameCenter somehow. thank you again for your quick answer
  2. How does the Free iAP work? activated in menu but it does nothing when I click to purchase Diamonds or BattlePass the login option shows up, I click on dismiss and nothing. everithing else is working finde, really good work, thank you
  3. Game wont open, not even possible to set speed to 1.0 because as you click the app icon it crashes
  4. On version 4.0.0 NOT working on Version 3.6.1 says version to old needs to be updated so this is NOT working anymore
  5. Than you did something wrong. are you on 3.8.4? Have you changed the Value 3.8.4 in the File „Info.plist“ to 3.8.5? and dont forget to click on the „save“ button in the upper right corner when editing the „Info.plist“, if you just click on „finish“ (upper left corner) your changed will NOT be saved!
  6. Just look on Page 728, „BigBoy-Hacks“ has quoted my answer on how to do it
  7. Thats strange have you found it on the new path that I have mentioned?
  8. Than you may be on an older iOS than I am (I am on iOS11.1.2 Electra1.04) And I have seen that the „Bundle“ Folder that I have mentioned is only a symbolic Link. The Real Folder is in „/var/containers/Bundle/Application/Dokkan Battle/BNGI0221.app/Info.plist“ maybe the Symbolic-Link is just since iOS11
  9. I dont know where you habe found the „currentversion“, but you need to open the „info.plist“-File and there is the 3.8.4 that you need to change. here is an Image that could help you: https://ibb.co/gYDZBT
  10. you are welcome please give me feedback if it worked for you
  11. Yes I can for me with this method it is like before the update. I have the Events that started today and I have the Mod which works as it should. the only downside is, that I have nothing that cam with the new update because I have not installed it. For me this is a good workaround until the Mod gets an update
  12. I have not Updated! I am on 3.8.4. The only thing that I did was to modificate the info.plist-File so that the Server things that I am on 3.8.5. So I am on 3.8.4 and can log in to the game and use all as before, without the new Features and events from 3.8.5
  13. found a way to play with version 3.8.4 (with mod) without need to update to 3.8.5! Since an update to 3.8.5 would stop the mod from working, I simply opened Filza and went to the Location "/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/Dokkan Battle/BNGI0221.app/" and opened the "info.plist". there I scrolled down till I saw the Value "3.8.4" on "CFBundleShortVersionString", I changed it to "3.8.5" and did a UICACHE&RESPRING. Started the game and it downloaded the new data and now I'm in the game. WARNING: I dont know if bandai can somehow track thin and ban the account for this! this is just something that I tested know for the first time, with this method you are unable to see/use the new features of Version 3.8.5 since you have not updated, you just fake the Version so that the App and the Servers think that you have updated.
  14. I'm on iOS 11.1.2 (iPhone 7 with Electra 1.0.4) as soon as I open this app it crashes. Already tried to reboot and start the app without Jailbreak - same crash. Edit: got it working, my problem was that I installed it using AppsyncUnified... which somehow won't work... installed using CydiaImpactor and BÄM, App starts and works as expected, THANK YOU ~F1L1P3
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