1. Slightly expensive overclockable build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/JV8Wqs(Better for gaming than number 2)
2. Less expensive overcloackable build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/8DvzTW(Better for working than number 1)
3. Somewhat of the middle ground. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/79zb99 (You cant overclock though)
I would go with the first one. Not great for work, but decent enough. Also, I would overclock both the gpu and cpu a little. Not enough to fry it, enough to get a noticeable difference. Lastly, if you pick one of these out, tell me to look it over and then ask another person to do the same. You dont want things that may not work well together and you dont want to be spending money where it doesnt matter. Also, dont go with the third one. You may not like overclocking, but in moderation, it is great!