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  1. Hey, I do seem to have issues with Picsart hack afther sideloading it and starting the app I login with my account in iosgods from the prompt everything good and then there is a pop up that says "Premium activated" although I do seem to get a popup from picsart requesting purchasing premium and the page is a bit greyed and perma loading if I do close the popup and I try to use premium features I still get the same pop up and can't use any of the premium features. I am on Ios 17.0 device is Iphone 14 Pro.
  2. bump
  3. Not working i am on ios 11.1.2 iphone X the 3 tap gesture doesnt work i added the appmenu.dylib added the the string and nothing... i have also adedd 0777 on all the files still doesnt work i am also signed in with my account and i tap the card to enable the hack also i found some kinda a glitch when i tap the card it taps on the screen
  4. Crashing on iphone x ios 11.1.2 it worked like a few days ago but now when i start the app everytime it shows the first loading screen then the app closes please help ?
  5. Opperation not permitted? I have open ssh
  6. Already used it i will future restore anyway but cant make this hack work...
  7. I have pasted all the files the card to enable the hack pops up but after that when I try to open the hack menu ( with 3 fingers) nothin happens...
  8. https://mega.nz/#!Zl8ChR7D!FPtQlCmmINdFYU0aBBIuibkMFju5tszjolrTFqb5ACQ https://mega.nz/#!Y1k1hQCK!9pgf6qxFrgrsDbO8s98zuDZ3RR2aTW1zigGRtC9ZTlU https://mega.nz/#!dodzFCCC!TiJlgjfRw3j671t4lgT1JP33Kohb9MK1_6bYy-fOU2I Here
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