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    iPhone 8 Plus

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  1. I’ve sent it in a DM. Let me know if it’s useful, this is the first time I try out crashlog
  2. My phone keeps crashing when I try to use the hack. I’m on iPhone 6 on iOS 10.2.1 any advice?
  3. Any est on release? I am looking very much forward to it
  4. Please read the newest comments before you write your own. Hack is outdated, game is forced into updating to a version that’s not compatible with this hack. No need to test yourself, but you are welcome to do so
  5. Assuming your device is jailbroken. download the .deb file, run it in either iFile or Filza and choose ‘install’ (its all in the original post) HOWEVER; For now, this doesn’t work, since the game has been updated to 10.0.1 and just crashes when you try this hack. Unfortunately it’s not possible to run the 10.0.0 version, and AFAIK there’s no way to bypass this mandatory update, so for now, be patient and let the great people in here work their magic. Have a nice day
  6. @DiDA @0xS14T3R The game has been force updated, so the hack doesn’t work anymore. Hope to see an update. Keep up the good work!
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