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Status Updates posted by Euclides

  1. Farmville hack linl updated

    1. Euclides


      any admins can unlock my pixel gun hack i will updaye it thanks :)

    2. mimi


      the link is still not working

  2. i hate spiders :\ happy halloween everyone

    1. Raggnar


      Happy Halloween :pumpkin:


    2. --Techarmor--


      I hate cookroaches and spiders and rats

    3. zzmorg82


      This temporary background is spooky.

    4. --Techarmor--


      What background?

    5. Euclides
  3. its been year and so many improvements nice job didi

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Euclides


      Wow welcome back Raggnar :) i though your ritired forever

    3. Noahxx



    4. Rook
    5. Anthony Leodones

      Anthony Leodones

      Nung nag PM ka nag iba theme ko, haunted?

      Didi xD

    6. Euclides


      Mahal ka kasi namin <3 hahahaha

  4. Come on guys give me more likes coming in 1k likes :)

    1. Tamil


      Go sleep

    2. Ann3


      Still using my pic eii :p hahaha btw welcome back :)

    3. Euclides


      im not updating my account anymore xD


    4. castix


      You don't deserve likes for that

    5. Euclides
  5. is still the nija saga hack workin?

  6. bein busy this day hello mikka :D welcome back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. K3NNNY


      dont break rules again

    3. BaROCK Obama
    4. Rook


      He already broke them multiple times! :@ He should be banned!

    5. Euclides
    6. Euclides
  7. is supporters part of the staff jsut askin

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Meow cat

      Meow cat

      Well I don't know about this forum. But it normally starts from moderator

    3. Euclides
    4. castix


      no it's not

    5. Insidious
    6. Zahir
  8. is supporters part of the staff jsut askin

  9. is supporters part of the staff jsut askin

  10. i got doulci link :D anyone need it?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Euclides


      Lols thats waht you called autistic

    3. Rook
    4. Gh0stByte


      I do, i purchased a locked one from ebay

    5. Rook


      The seller probably stole it and sold it to you. :mellow:

    6. ceedceed


      Can I have doulci link please

  11. Yugioh bam sucks like rick

  12. Well no more cheat from me right do what you want to my account :D ban block demote its ok to me bye

  13. Zombie HQ just got hacked and the result its like an a tweak idk what time im gonna post it :p

  14. Just got hacked zombie HQ. And the resulpt

  15. I just got hacked zombie HQ and the reults it like s tweak

  16. Being online 24 is not easy ok online 24 hours then you will get mod postion Dev postion right now is not easy to get so stop saying unfair do it if yuo whant that postiom

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