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  1. There was just this creepy old dude following me through the store. He stopped. Then when I went to exit I saw him just right by it. I went to my car and he followed. I put my key between my two middle fingers and was getting ready to sock the dude. He stopped following last second thank god. Then he was just standing there looking weird. I know I’m a bit cute, but damn at least try and kidnap me when I’m not aware 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TimidNova


      @Mr PHo3niX that’s a pretty nice car soooo 👌. I’d honestly willingly get kidnapped by someone who has a nice car, isn’t old, and not creepy

    3. Oxytyramine


      I'm not old, certainly not creepy and I do have a nice car, soooo lil lady, candy it is?

    4. TimidNova


      @Mr PHo3niX I’ll take the candy

    5. Cycas


      Great story :golfclap:

    6. TimidNova
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