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  1. I am making fly function which will make my character fly but its not working as it should be i dont know why its not working. It was done similarly on android i recreated it on ios here is what i have done. void (*Old_PlayerController_Update)(void *myPlayer); void PlayerController_Update(void *myPlayer) { if (myPlayer != NULL) { // Function pointers for Rigidbody methods void (*set_velocity)(void *, Vector3 value) = (void (*)(void *, Vector3))getRealOffset(0x2785420); void (*MovePosition)(void *, Vector3 position) = (void (*)(void *, Vector3))getRealOffset(0x2785E10); Vector3 (*get_posRigidbody)(void *) = (Vector3 (*)(void *))getRealOffset(0x2785C18); if (show_fly){ void *myRigidbody = *(void **)((uint64_t)myPlayer + 0x428); // Get Rigidbody pointer if (myRigidbody != NULL) { Vector3 MyPos = get_posRigidbody(myRigidbody); // Get current position set_velocity(myRigidbody, Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // Fly up if (setFly) { MovePosition(myRigidbody, Vector3(MyPos.x, MyPos.y + valueFly, MyPos.z)); setFly = false; // Reset after moving } // Fly down if (setFly2) { MovePosition(myRigidbody, Vector3(MyPos.x, MyPos.y - valueFly, MyPos.z)); setFly2 = false; // Reset after moving } } } } return Old_PlayerController_Update(myPlayer); } and i hook uodate like this: HOOK(0x101E7C8, PlayerController_Update, Old_PlayerController_Update); here functions from dump.cs: functions or offsets in dll arelike this: // RVA: 0x2785E10 public Void MovePosition(Vector3 position) { } // RVA: 0x2785420 public Void set_velocity(Vector3 value) { } // RVA: 0x2785C18 public Vector3 get_position() { } Here is preview what it does when i activate this function try to fly: https://file.io/OZrl5THtXDf7
  2. Hello brother. i need some help, can i send you DM please.

    1. AlyssaX64


      What's up ? 

    2. aQReh


      I need help with my code please, 


    3. aQReh


      Check DM please i have sent

  3. Let me give it a try to ida. I will get back to you if I have any problem.
  4. @batchh @carpoa that dlls are not working with dnspy. But can we use that script with IDA ? Or is it working or not ?
  5. Yes I want it for a specific app. Please if you can point me to something or reference I will really Appreciate it. And thanks for all those answers.
  6. Sorry for silly question but what is difference between jailbreak and rootful jailbreak. Is rootful as in full jailbreak which we do with Cydia Is there anyway I can change my iOS version on jail device. Maybe with hook or something.
  7. @Rook is iGSpoof still only for jailbroken or is it now work on jailed.
  8. Give same error on all sdks
  9. Error is not coming from from that file. Because I tried another templates Ted2 but getting same simd build error and others.
  10. @X204 @Zahir please help me with this error
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