Hello. I have a jailbroken 6s that I am hacking games with and then uploading their hacked ipas over to my iphone XS Max that isnt jailbroken but I have the app+ installed on. When ever I download my hacked ipa off Mediafire it loads up in the iosgods app + downloads folder but when I Install it it just instantly extracts then loops with "Resigning App"
Iphone XS Max : Ios 13.3 (Not Jailbroken)
Is there a fix to this or is there a better way to upload my hacked ipa files from my jailbroken iphone to my non jailbroken iphone?
Im getting the ipa file by taking the whole game file, copying it into a new .zip then changing it to .ipa, I believe that is the right way to do so but if its not please assist further, I have the iosgods app+ And VIP
Thats the ipa btw.