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  1. Oh actually I think it happens whenever the game loads because I loaded into a battle when the script was still going and it became unresponsive. Il get a video rq. Edit: Nvm it doesnt. Still unreliable cuz I remember I went through 7 hours of battles and it didnt become unresponsive.
  2. Normally it occurs when I use autotouch to mimic a script where I tap 3 times at the bottom center of an iPhone X and stop for 1 second, then I finish recording. Then I use the loop mode for around 20 secs to more than a minute and when I stop, it happens. But yeah I don't think i can reliably replicate it because whenever I record the sh!t dont appear but when I stop recording and use it then it stops.
  3. it happens without the notification, as two times it occurred right after I took the video and it occurred right after I stopped playing the script.
  4. Took a while but I got it. It becomes like this without a notification/text popup.https://youtu.be/a-tr5_zzUIg i tried tappingn before switching to iMessages to type “unresponsive”
  5. I think it’s something that happens when you stop the script because I literally accidentally used loop for like 8 hours, I fell asleep rip my battery, but it worked for those 8 hours.
  6. I'm using the iGameGod Autotouch for a game called Another Eden (this autotouch is way better than the jailbreak autotouch) but for some reason, the game becomes unresponsive at random times. Sometimes I can use the autotouch for 20 minutes, other times its up to 5 mintues, and I have to restart every single time because the game is unresponsive. Its still running but I can't interact with the game; cant move, cant press buttons, etc. Any help?
  7. Hey dude it'd be pretty chill and all if I could use the .deb file for Genshin impact for free (asking for a friend of course). 

  8. Feeling silly today (hola mi amigos no hablo ingles)

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