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ViP Pro
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Everything posted by LostChild

  1. I used a completely new device in ios 18.1.1 and installed is via gbox signing. It was completely new device tho, which device are u using and which os are u ?
  2. @Saitama I created an acc in ml with this ipa 2 times using delete account data. Both acc got banned after 2 match while finishing the tutorial and I got banned after 24h. Settings I used was fov + show radar + show line + show hero + show hero info + show monster I will test fov + show radar + radar x + y postion and show line only if that will ban the acc or not.
  3. Have you actually done it your self or it’s all theory your talking about?
  4. U never got banned ? Op but risky it can lead ur acc to getting banned. My Smurf got banned I was testing all features which one worked and mostly without getting banned
  5. For anyone that this mod is not working on sideload or some other way your signing it, you have to use trollstore no need to install it via sideload. It will work for you.
  6. Do any one has issue with the mod ? When I install the mod the app just crash after I open the game Jailbroken dopamine 2 installed via iGameGod @AlyssaX64 is it working for you ?
  7. Updated 1h ago 💀 Updated 1h ago 💀we need a new update
  8. @Saitama Hi brotha, so I have been using this mod for 4 weeks now and no ban it's 100% safe. How is the vip version so far ? If it's safe like this then I was thinking of buying the vip for it and test it out. This mod I played almost every day for 4 weeks straight no ban
  9. Hi @batchh thanks for this hack. It's very outdated can you update this thanks. If cant right now then lock this topic.
  10. if u have jb then remove 1 number from jasonid on filza, if u have non-jb then factory reset ur phone or install a new ipa from another website
  11. Do not use on your main acc, this hack is detectable. Got banned, installed via TrollStore
  12. Thank you, I didn't knew that this error was from sileo, it's fixed and working lets see if fov gets u ban or it's safe xd
  13. Thank you so much, btw I have a request if you could add fov with this mod it could turn in to a really powerful cheat
  14. I Tested the mod and it does not work. this is what I get on screen: [“unable to find load 248”]
  15. @Saitama Does this mod work and safe to use if not can you close this topic
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