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  1. already try for both mod. 2x work perfectly. x100 sometimes its force close/crash, especially when i play on story mode.
  2. just suggestion, can you make sell gladiator with 5000 or 1000 gem instead of 500 cause late game need to use a lot of resource, if want to instant build and training gladiator cause big amount of gem ?? anyway perfect hack , thank you for your work. salute familia
  3. Its work for me so far, has been tested for 2days in row. No soft-ban sign. Before this i used 0.6.0 and get soft ban, recently update to 0.6.18381 and run perfectly. As pubg have small update just to fix some crash on ios device after new update on from 0.5 to 0.6 P/s so i think that soft ban because they detect we didn’t use latest version. For possible to run old version just from third party install and not from app store. ☺️☺️
  4. V0.6.18381 work no soft ban after serveral game test2 with guest and main account. Need to delete old version (v0.6.0) and redownload from link given for new version (v0.6.1)
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