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Everything posted by BionixPwn

  1. Could you update or make a new hack please @Laxus @AlyssaX64 or @Rook! Thank you!
  2. Could you make a hack for non-Jb please just in case! You know Dopamine not working on Damage and Defense Multiplier 🤔! Cheers @Laxus!
  3. Getting network is abnormal not working both on Rootful and Rootless! Could you fix the Mod Deb please @AlyssaX64! Thank you so much!
  4. Could you fix or make a new Deb please?! Is not working on Dopamine Rootless although Non Damage and Defense Multiplier on this tweak @AlyssaX64! Thank you
  5. Phishing Attack Beware-If you're getting dozens of password reset notifications, you're being attacked

    1. Rook


      Are they iOSGods emails or other websites?

    2. BionixPwn


      iPhone,iPad iOS etc @Rook! Here’s the link from reliable source 


    3. tien0246


      I have just received a login request notification originating from China PepeHmm

    4. BionixPwn
    5. Rook


      Make sure you have unique and strong passwords!

  6. Crash and open both JB and non-JB Rootless @tien0246! But works perfectly on Rootful🤩🤩 Fixed now on Dopamine Rootless no worries works fine @tien0246! So could you try Head Ball 2 Football Game same Developer please! Here’s the link https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/head-ball-2-football-game/id1193933380 @tien0246! Thank you so much
  7. Crash and open both JB and non-JB Rootless @tien0246! But works perfectly on Rootful🤩🤩
  8. I already tried 3 methods! First No tweak install still crashing, Palera1n Rootful Lower and modem devices crashed Filza and IGG installed and Lastly Dopamine Rootless 2.0 latest Version still crashing we expected that @Laxus and @Rook
  9. Keeps crashing the game is on JB detection! Nor your tweak might cause crashes! I uninstalled this tweak! Game still crashing @Laxus! We need a JB removed bypass
  10. Jailbreak Detection might be the cause of crashing on both Rootful and Rootless @Laxus I always did! Do you want me to try igg inject instead of normal inject ?! @Laxus! Let me try again and comeback
  11. I think this game seems have a problem! Crashes both Rootful and Rootless! Shadow and libhooker are not working on this! @Laxus and @Rook
  12. Could you update please or fix the auto updating ! Won’t work anymore @TimidNova! Thank you so much
  13. Try for fun but I’m not a fan! Awesome hack auto dance @Laxus! Thank you
  14. I mean I played this before around 5 years ago with Godmode and OHK was included when DanYal and Rook stopped updating this game! I already tagged Rook to update the game! Let us know please if the Godmode and Ohk are server sided now! @Rook
  15. Boss @Rook! It’ still Hackable! Any chance could you back this game with the latest update please! Thank you so much!
  16. It’s been a years your the only update this! Godmode and OHK i think it’s server sided now?! Anyway thank you @ThanhDark1909
  17. Need to be fixed! This All Version Tweak is to old! Crashes both Rootful and Rootless! Tested on my Lower and Modem Devices @Rook! Thank you
  18. Yeah Totally wrecked Could you make a new Deb please @Rook!How are you Boss?! Feeling Better now!?!
  19. Hello Boss @Rook! Do you mind to update this please! Thank you @Rook
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