I’ve created a bunch of accounts to test, and I found that the problem may occur in the process of reconnecting to the server.
Since if you let the game be the background status for a while, by which I mean you switch to another app to chat or whatsoever, the game tries to reconnect to the server. The thing is due to the cheat probably blocking some of online functions of the game, so the game reconnection fails. That’s where the anti-cheat has its eyes on you.
I used 10 accounts to test this case, 5 using the cheat but not letting the game be background, another 5 with cheat on and doing the reconnection. The result turns out to be the later ones, those reconnected, all got banned.
And btw, it killed my Qiqi reroll account, which I accidentally put it in the wrong group, so I am so upset now...