I got a lot of trouble to get that thing running or gathering information about it, so here's a cool and easy tutorial.
The South Park Pinball app never got support for iOS 11 and more, however it can still be run in Zen Pinball
Install the latest build of Zen Pinball on the AppStore (US Store Link)
Path to copy the tables :
/ var / mobile /Containers / Data / Application / Zen Pinball / Library /
Download link :
Grab "ZP_DLC _SP The Butters Show.pxp" and "ZP_DLC_SP Super Sweet Pinball.pxp" from the folder (they are not properly alphabetically ordered on mega, top and bottom).
Soccer League Tables
Grab "ZP_DLC_SLF.pxp", "ZP_DLC_SLF1.pxp", "ZP_DLC_SLF2.pxp", "ZP_DLC_SLF3.pxp", "ZP_DLC_SLF4.pxp", "ZP_DLC_SLF5.pxp", "ZP_DLC_SLF6.pxp", "ZP_DLC_SLF7.pxp" from the Mega archive !