What you will need: 1) newest firefox version 2)newest imacro version 3)a twitter account, fresh ones will work but they will get banned shortly Tutorial: -download it from the link below -copy paste it into your imacro directory -enter addmefast.com and twitter credentials (on twitter site) -set loop to 9999 -press play loop -enjoy IMPORTANT: do not let the script run for more than 2-3 hours, it will get your account banned fast IMPORTANT 2: the script is not perfect, sometimes it stops if there is a subscribe in the addmefast page ! IMPORTANT 3: set addmefast and twitter language to english !
Use the script in Firefox, Not in standalone iMacro Application Virustotal scan results: https://www.virustotal.com/ro/file/e4eff...473442694/ Download: Script For iMacro
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