Good evening, friends. I explain the situation. I hacked a couple of Bullet Echo game functions, but on Android, using GameGuardian, because the functions from the iOS version of the game were obfuscated, I couldn't find anything useful there. Thanks to GG and my perseverance, I was able to crack 2 very serious functions, moreover, I was able to find lines of code in IDA, from the Android version of the game. I put labels on them so as not to lose them, on all memory addresses. The only question was how I would transfer these memory addresses to the iOS version of the game, again using IDA. In short, I imposed IDA (Android) on IDA (iOS) versions of the game, to analyze and find the right one on the iOS version, since I am an Apple user. I managed to patch the zoom function, but I have problems with the second function, I can't find some memory addresses comparing Android and iOS. There are big differences in processor architectures in IDA. The code is different, the constants are different. Roughly speaking, almost everything is different. Are there those who can tell me how I can superimpose android on ios, find the memory addresses that I have already found in IDA (Android), how can I find the exact addresses in the iOS structure? Thx