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Yasir Gh0st

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  1. What is iCleaner Pro? iCleaner can free up space by removing unnecessary files from your device. The cleanup process is made of the following steps: Message attachments: it deletes files sent and received via iMessage or MMS. The "smart" setting only deletes files that do not show up in any message, while "on" deletes all attachments (messages with attachments will show a blank icon). Safari: it deletes cookies, browsing history and cache files to free up memory and preserve your privacy. Applications:bit deletes App Store app caches, cookies, temporary files and snapshots. Furthermore, it detects popular applications for a more in-depth cleanup. OTA software updates:it deletes downloaded iOS update files. Battery usage data: it deletes archived battery data, while leaving current battery data untouched. Cydia: it cleans up Cydia caches and temporary files, cache files generated by Cydia apps and tweaks, partially downloaded packages and repo files. Cydia sources:it purges local package lists for your Cydia sources. Only useful if they aren't updating correctly due to corrupt lists. Unused dependencies: it issues the "apt-get autoremove" command in order to remove packages installed as dependencies that are not needed anymore, and purges uninstalled packages. Log files: it deletes log files and crash reports from known locations. These files are generally irrelevant to the user and can be safely deleted. Cache files: it scans and deletes system cache files and databases. Some of them are rebuilt upon respring. This helps removing obsolete cache data. Temporary files: it deletes temporary files from your device. These files are meant to be removed automatically, but they often happen not to. Filetype cleanup: iCleaner features a custom cleanup pass based on file extensions. By default, it looks for log and temp files all over the directory tree. Custom files and Folders cleanup: with this extremely powerful feature, you can add any file or folder to the cleanup process. HOW TO SEE THE CONTENT? To see the content first hit the "Heart" button at the bottom right and the "Thanks" button (scroll down the page it's on the botton right) then reply/comment How To Get iCleaner? [Hidden Content] Launch Daemons, Cydia Substrate addons & Preference Bundles management: Daemons are processes that are launched upon system startup (or at a later time) and run in the background. Disabling daemons allows you to break core system functions (such as OTA updates, Game Center, error logging, etc.). Cydia Substrate addons are tweaks you installed via Cydia. You can enable or disable them with a single tap, while still having them installed. This tool should be only used as a temporary solution in order to troubleshoot faulty/incompatible tweaks without having to go through the Cydia install/uninstall process. Preference Bundles are responsible of displaying preferences for tweaks in the Settings app. Disabling them will make them unavailable, giving you control about which preferences can be actually seen and edited. Other Things That iCleaner Can Do: • Remove unused languages. • Remove unused keyboards. • Remove unused voice control languages. • Remove definition dictionaries. • Delete retina @2x and @3x images. • Delete non-retina images. • Delete iPad images. • Delete 4-inch images. • Delete iTunesArtwork files. • Delete Wallpapers. • Reset preferences of Cydia tweaks. • Move the Fonts folder from/to the system partition. (iOS 6 and below) • Set scheduled cleanups via Activator. • Launch it via its Flipswitch toggle. • Much, much more.
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