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  1. Thanks
  2. This would be a fantastic hack
  3. Yes please. I may even pay for this lol
  4. If anyone could help me get over this last hurdle I’d appreciate it. I have been using GG on Tap Sports Baseball 18 and have winged my way to a spot where I have the club box only having 1 reward and a box from the store down to the options I want. I am having extreme trouble in trying to locate the string from the store box that I need to copy as well as the string for the club box that needs to be changed in order to copy the rewards over. It may be an easy fix but I’ve never used GG before this in my life so I’m a bit handicapped when it comes to it. If someone could help me with either direction or if they can do it and we can teamview so I can see what you do I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
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