- Jailbroken Device
- Filza
- MP3 file or M4r file
Step 1: Go download your favorite ringtone from the browser make sure you have the format in mp3 or m4r. I downloaded my ringtone file in a mp3 format which I had to convert to m4r so if you downloaded a mp3 file you will need to convert it to a m4r.
Step 2: Open your m4r file in Filza and copy that file to this directory /Library/Ringtones.
Step 3: Once you completed step 2 you will need to go to this directory /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/
Step 4: You should be in the ToneKit folder locate this file TKRingtones.plist and open it, click on root, modern, and scroll down to the bottom where it has Item 25 or Item 23 it can be any Item just make sure it’s in the modern section.
Step 5: When you found the Item you want your ringtone to be on you will need to click the i button.
Step 6: A menu should pop up staying something like Position In Array, Type, and Value, the only thing you will be changing is the value text but this part is important enter this system:YOUR RINGTONE and let Your Ringtone be the name of the ringtone that was pasted in the Ringtone directory
Step 7: LAST AND FINAL STEP, once you complete your value rename hit the blue back arrow and at the top right there should be a button called save click that and once it’s done go over to your settings and set your ringtone to what you added