im on 9.0.2 and get invalid client (when cheat is disabled) and it just crashes everytime i open the app when the cheat is enabled
This is installating script
installed . ) Preparing to replace com .sull.dragonbalizdokkanbattlecheats2 2.6.2 ( using ... / com.sull.DRAGONBALI ZDOKKANBATTLECheats2-2.6.2 ip honeos - arm.deb ) . Hack Successfully Removed ! Unpacking replacement com.sull.dragonbalizdokkanbattlecheats2 … Running Debian Packager Setting up com.sulldragonbalizdokkanbattlecheats2 ( 2.6.2 ) … Configuring DRAGON BALL DOKKAN BATTLE Cheats 7 - Zip 4.57 Copyright ( c 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov 2007-12-06 p7zip Version 4.57 ( locale - utf8 , Utf16 - on , HugeFiles - on , 2 CPUs ) Ca n't load ' / usr / lib / p7zipMz.dll ' ( dlopen ( /usr/lib/p7zip/ 12.So , 6 ) : no suitable image found . Did find : usr / lib / p7zip / : ca n't map segments into 16KB pages ) Ca n't load ' / usr / lib / p7zip / Codecs / Rar29.sol ( dlopen ( /usr/lib/p7zip/Codecs/ , 6 ) : no suitable image found . Did find : /usr/lib/p7zip/Codecs/ : ca n't map segments into 16KB pages ) Processing archive . BNG | 0221b Error : Can not open file as archive Hacked by Twitter @iOSCheats ADD My Repo http : //- Forbidden -repo for more Hacks ! INSTALLING ... system version 9.000000 we are on ios8 target path should be / target detected / User / Containers / Bundle / Application // 57621 B44-6FA6-4C16- B263-788E4 E7B8C4B / / BNGI0221 couldnt find HEADER stop immediately ! Hack Successfully installed