Hello Cheaters!
I did not found out how to use the "In app purchase " hack.. !
BUT! This is wat i found out!
- Open the app!
- In the middle right click on the floating iosgods logo
- Select "Enable Debug"
- Go to settings in the game (upper right)
- Click: Privacy Policy (not the Discord button in my case)
- In the left Corner there wil be a new logo
- Something with "VS" Now you know the debug is active.
- Click on the Logo
- Game Progress
- Activate "Set open testpanel button active"
- Leave the debug menu
While you're in the MAIN Menu
- Click on the COIN icon in the upper right.
- A new menu will appear
- You can edit here what you like (Gems, coins, unlocks etc.)
- Also enable : Enable Cheat Buttons (third row)
- Don't forget to click "update" next tot the buttons.
- Select the cross icon in the upper right to leave the menu
While you're in the MAIN Menu
- Click on the GEM icon in the upper right.
- You can now tweak some time related things
While you're IN GAME !
- Move the "VS" logo a bit down so you can see the Ball Counter
- Click the "Ball counter" Just once. (if the menu disapears then restart the app)
- A new menu will apear
- You can now tweak a lot!
- Also you van select in the middle a free perk then click the"pick" button
Edit amount of balls
- Use "iGameGod" (gear logo somewhere right)
- Search for an "i8 value"
While in theGEAR menu
- Select gear
- You can now duplicate (purple button)
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