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  1. Name of the game you want hacked: Meta Toy City Version of the game: 1.1.9 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/heroz-toyz-meta-toy-city/id1642470357 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Requested Features: Damage multiplier Defense multiplier Freeze currencies Anything that is possible.
  2. @AlyssaX64 would you mind updating to 1.1.0 please?
  3. So can’t play at all anymore? And do you know if using the regular damage multiply triggers bans?
  4. Would you mind updating to 1.240 please? @AlyssaX64
  5. Name of the game you want hacked: Wild Survival Version of the game: 117 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wild-survival/id6448106246 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Requested Features: God Mode Meat multiplier ( during match if infinite meat doesn’t work for currency hack ) infinite coins infinite meat infinite gems ( most likely won’t be possible )
  6. @quatorzewould you mind updating to 1.220? Thank you!
  7. Rip didn’t work for me. Is it possible to make a mod menu hack for This?
  8. Name of the game you want hacked: Sssnaker Version of the game: 1.0.7 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sssnaker/id1595070036 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Requested Features: 1. Damage multiplier. 2. God mode. 3. Freeze currencies if possible. 4. No energy cost to start matches.
  9. @quatorze would you mind updating plz!
  10. @TimidNovacan you update this hack to 1.5.3 please? Thank you so much!
  11. @TimidNova can you add anti ban? I get a message after all words past world 3.
  12. Hey when ever you get a chance could you update the hack to the latest version of the game? It no longer works thank you!. @Laxus
  13. Bruh they just updated the app again. It’s now on 1.15.3 Thank you so much!@Laxus
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