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  1. Thank you very much! Game is updated again! Sorry to trouble you!
  2. Thanks for the hack! Able to update to 3.0.0?
  3. Hi! App is updated again. Could you update the mod too? Thank you very much for the hard work!
  4. Merry Christmas, thank you for this. I would also take this time to feedback on the App 1) The homepage with scrolling view, it will register the first touch, after scrolling, it will then enter the page of the app that was first registered. 2) The nav bar at the bottom of the page will follow the scrolling motion. 3) No backgrounding service, therefore the app will reload to homepage. Thank you for always looking for innovative way to let us enjoy it!
  5. Hi! Thank you for this amazing game, however the mod menu did not appear after I start the game.
  6. Request for update! Thank you very much for this interesting game!
  7. This is not the Monster Hunter Stories that you guys are looking forward to, this game is kind of like match 3 game. Just that the title is the same. Please click on the link to the itunes store provided by TS. Cheers!
  8. Doesnt even process fuzzy unless i narrow down the memory for find exact value of “0” when they just hatch
  9. I have already got this working.... + item quantity What we lack off is exp and mass item quantity
  10. I think game breaking cheat is not that good... because of network battle.... although I have an idea of how to go about trying to get this cheat working via igameguardian.
  11. Name of the game you want hacked: Monster Hunter Stories Version of the game: 1.0 iTunes Link for the app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/monster-hunter-stories/id1339054344?mt=8 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken Requested Features: Max item limit for all item in inventory (9999) Experience multiplier (x2, x3, x5, x10) Hopefully no damage/god mode as there is network battle available. I have tried using iGameGuardian, it only allow alteration of memory once. Able to hack: Gold Item quantity I have also tried using Hex Editing on the .sav files. 1) edit random value that I deem is my item value(mhr_game1.sav ONLY) 2) edit random value that I deem is my item value(mhr_game1.sav & mhr_game1_bk.sav ONLY) 3) edit random value that I deem is my item value(mhr_game1.sav & mhr_game1_bk.sav & mhr_game0.sav & mhr_game0_bk.sav ONLY) 4) edit my gold value (mhr_game1.sav & mhr_game1_bk.sav & mhr_game0.sav & mhr_game0_bk.sav ONLY) all 4 return result as corrupted.
  12. App updated to 1.94, please update~~~ thank you!
  13. Oh. I finally found out how to do it. Must be done using autotouch. Must bendone on slow connection. 1 run I can get 200k gem
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