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Status Replies posted by mitosis

  1. Sorry, I caught a wild shmoo

  2. I stopped using shoutbox after pokemon GO release :/ *missing old one*

  3. I will travel across the land

  4. can i get the iosgosds repo on cydia please

  5. can i get the iosgosds repo on cydia please

  6. Modern combat 5 cheats

  7. When you miss 3 Snorlaxes and you finally catch one, but it's only 42CP...

  8. Windows 10 on bootcamp! :D

  9. Feeling a bit useless around here >.>

  10. can i get 5 stars rating on my profile? :p

  11. There should be a option to adjust(reposition) header image !

  12. terbs I love yoi

  13. (Put inspirational quote here)

  14. Lovin' this community

  15. need spotify premium accnt please help

  16. How can I download Pokemon Go in the philippines ????

  17. If you never stop, how can you say you've failed? - #Earthiest4Pres2016

  18. Guys, if you haven't already, head to the GFX section and check out Klepto's AMAZING art

  19. Support ma new art. k thx baii

  20. Support ma new art. k thx baii

  21. I hope i get newer device

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