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Everything posted by TittySprinkles

  1. @Laxus Boss, you able to do anything else with this? Like enable free ads or making auto attack permanent?
  2. Did you remove your BitLife hack? 

    1. Laxus
    2. TittySprinkles


      Weird, searching the site I couldn’t find it 


      weird now I’m able to find it lol. My bad g

  3. @Laxus new update with expansion brother. Whenever you can update. Thank you
  4. Sucks the game just also crashes. Would if liked to try this. The crashing has nothing to do with your mod though
  5. Nice work bro but this game hasn’t been updated in 2Years? So what’s the point of making this hack.
  6. Hello @Laxus the cult expansion is out. Could you update to 3.11. Thank you
  7. Crashes when trying to click on castle or store? Any solution @TimidNova
  8. Would you update to the latest version please. This is not a bug update but an actual full update. Thank you @Laxus
  9. @Laxus does not work on all versions, also update when you can please
  10. @Laxus needs an update. Auto update does not work nor do any of the mod features. Thank you
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