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    iPad Air 2
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    Galaxy Sky
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    #⃣1⃣Vaping & hacking!#⃣1⃣
    I Also love to answer questions and help anyone who needs/wants it! So dont be afraid to ask me random questions! I ALWAYS have an answer...even if that answer is "i dont know" ????

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  1. Hillary clinton is now just a body double? :o

  2. My VIP purchase USED to be worth the money, considering i ONLY bought it for just ONE hack and updates used to come quick and steady, and now it takes sooo long that the game end ups updating TWICE or more

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Nosoupfoyou


      so again, while youre advice has some accurate points, and appreciated shmoo, i have given battousai the respect he deserves, money and support that hes more then earned, and he worked on his schedule, not mine.

    3. Mayaxaya
    4. Lord Alucard

      Lord Alucard

      Lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    5. AnotherLurker


      Damn, 23 comments

  3. Do you know of any ios tweaks or hacks that could be used to speed times up for ios? If so are you able to point me towards it? Thanks
  4. Not as far as i know unfortunately
  5. An app that i think you should definitely put on here as a "MUST HAVE!" Is the "AppCake Legacy 4" App! It can be found in the same iphonecake repo that the normal "AppCake" app is found! The only difference is that the "AppCake Legacy 4" App has direct access to this Iosgods.com site aswell as other cool sites and forums...but the main reason this is a MUST HAVE app is because you can download and install any/all hacks from this site 10x easier then anyother method like ifile/filza!!! You simply go to the "search" section in the "AppCake Legacy 4" App, scroll down till you see IOSgods and click it, then login to your account and surf the site like you would on your browser, and when you find a hack you want, you click it and do what you normally do to get the Deb to download, as soon as it Starts to download you will see i banner at the top indicating its downloading, then just go to the downloaded section(the square with an arrow pointing down icon)and there you have different tabs to choose from: Downloading, downloaded, torrents, and imported. Once the hack finishes downloading it will be in the downloaded section, simply select the hack and then select "install" from the little popup menu that appears. Another banner will appear, letting you know its successfully installing. Once the loading circle icon next to the hack disappears, thats it! The hack is successfully downloaded with no respring needed! Most hacks usually have a settings menu which can be found in your tweaks section in the settings app. Sorry for this long "tutorial" but i hope someone will happen to find it and help them discover a faster, better way to download Deb files/hacks from here the best thing is all this is done from the same app, and at anytime you can go right back to surfing iosgods and can download/install multiple hacks at once without ever needing to leave the app! Hope this helps!
  6. Download the "AppCake Legacy 4" App from Iphonecakes main repo! Yeah i know! Iv been telling people i know myself about it and then i found this so now i give them this link, but i have to tell them it only works on the legacy app first! This whole tutorial is exactly the same on what to do and how to use it! And it is even found in the same repo mentioned here! Literally the ONLY thing that would be needed to be changed in this whole tutorial is the statement "download whatever appcake for your version" and change it to "AppCake Legacy 4" app! Then this tutorial could be used again!
  7. Please read my above post for info on what app to use now! "AppCake Legacy 4" App is now the only appcake app with these features! Since i have been a member of this community i have downloaded and installed all my hacks from this site from the AppCake Legacy 4 app to this very day! The tutorial is even still the same for how it works, and the legacy app can be found in the appcake repo. Id show snapshots of mine but i dont know how thanks!
  8. The only AppCake app that has these features now is called "Appcake Legacy 4" found within the Appcake repo. All the other AppCake Apps, including ones from multiple other repos, only allow you to search for and download free and cracked Apps. Is there anyway to update this tutorial to inform everyone/anyone interested, that the "AppCake Legacy 4" App is now the only App available that provides everything in this tutorial? Thank you!
  9. Too be honest, i have tried ALOT of Wifi Cracking Apps over the many years of Jailbreaking i have done, and i have found a few that really do crack passwords! However, all the ones i have found that really have worked, have only ever been able to crack WEP networks and not one has ever had the ability to crack WPA or WPA2 networks. Not only that, everysingle Wifi Cracker iv used that has actually worked has ALWAYS showed me the "passwords", and everysingle time the passwords were exactly what you are seeing! Things like "1234" or "121212" you know, "fake passwords"...HOWEVER!! Even though they were showing me fake passwords, the network was STILL actually cracked and i was really on the networks able to access the internet! My FAVORITE Wifi Cracker has ALWAYS been "5dWifi"! 5DWifi has successfully cracked(WEP ONLY)wifi connections many times for me in the past, and any connections successfully cracked are always remembered and connect automatically whenever im around that area again! It even gives you many different Cracking Dictionaries you can choose from if others dont work!, it also includes a Wifi hotspot map and even a built in Speed Test. Unfortunately 5dWifi has not been updated for ios 8 or above, and only works flawlessly on the Latest version of IOS 7 and lower on my IOS 8.3 Ipad Air 2 i was able to download the app from cydia still, but it has crashing problems and other stuff like that. But maybe it would work for you? It wouldnt hurt for you to try it! You can find 5dWifi on the BigBoss Repo for free if you would like to try it! I dont know if any of this was helpful or not, probably not, but hopefully it was to somebody out there good day too you!
  10. There are ALOT of replies to this but hardly ANY testimonials on if it actually works for anyone! CAN EVERYONE WHO TRIES THIS PLEASE COME BACK AFTER TESTING IT FOR A BIT AND PUT DOWN THE EXPERIENCE YOU HAD WITH THIS PLEASE? If it worked for you or did not work? If it worked only for WEP or if it worked for WPA2 maybe aswell? Stuff like that! YOUR TESTIMONIALS WILL BE ABLE TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION ON WETHER OR NOT THEY WANT TO ATTEMPT THIS TUTORIAL!! thanks everyone!!!
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