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Posts posted by Oxytyramine

  1. 4 minutes ago, CahisNova said:

    Okay, tested and still the same. @ToonPond method seems verified it accurately. Once u force closed the game, reconnect back, and u wont see the effect that u purchased via free gold. If u want to know the cheat kinda messed u up, ur opponent will start to act dumb; put just 2-3 pieces, even at level 6, (suspect this is when the server treat u as out of the game). 


    In ur case though, i cant confirm, but i heard in early stage (pawn 1 to 5) u may actually vs AI/bot, not real player. Tested both on my smurf rook 9 and real account king 1, both didnt work out. But hey, thanks for the effort, bruh! 😍👍

    lemme send u a PM

  2. 7 hours ago, CahisNova said:

    I can confirm this. It is visual. U’ll be kicked from the game either lose or win the game. And if u have those winning icon; treated u as winner, u are not actually win. The game will cross check ur gold, and any abnormality in ur game, its weird but i think thats what happened. Oh additionally, ur opponent will act like a bot; didnt spent any gold, put less chess, etc, unless, u met another cheater in the game 😁 But still, u’ll be kicked from the game either way. 


    Good try though, but i think this is more like server based thingy. @999shells is right, good for the fancy model completion in encyclopedia.


    6 hours ago, ToonPond said:

    Hack is work but cannot win cuz the game will kick u out that match


    1 hour ago, jacktina said:

    PvP game should move to VIP section. If not I’m worry this game will be ruin.

    Thanks @Mr PHo3niX

    P/s: I tested but it’s visual


    3 hours ago, Kingslanding said:

    Can confirm this is visual. But is it possible to get like god mode only? 


    2 hours ago, asdzxc said:

    work find, but got kick out in r15 to 25 can’t finish the battle.


    check out that video guys

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