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Everything posted by MickySoFine

  1. Yeah. There's literally like a lot of topics for the same App.
  2. I've found another one. Become my slave and thou shall have it! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahaha Bwhahahaahahaha (Evil Laugh Continues)
  3. It's Always been working. I just added a Warning to the Note.
  4. Not authorized to sync? Probably a software problem.
  5. Good! Apparently, yes No problem Flex 2> Cloud> Uploads on Server Cracker Good job. You're pretty fast! Its not a problem. The servers from the Dev side went on Maintainance. Be patient and try again in 1-2 days.
  6. "non-Jailbroken Thankyou" Hahahaha
  7. Ahh ok. My IG : mickysofinee, Hit me up. Yes, The patch gives 500 coins but they never decrease, just close the app and run it again to get a refill.
  8. Alright. I'll let you know through IG Direct if i got anything new.
  9. If you'd ask me a couple Weeks ago; No. Now? yes. It's been overused. So many people have given traffic to the app and its Hack. The Devs. Are probably working on a Way to patch. I'm pretty sure that even the Normal/Unhacked Likes are gonna be slow. I should be making a Proper/Working method soon in the VIP Section.
  10. Part 3 is for Apps downloaded with Tongbu. Crashes, Fixes Etc. not TongBu itself.
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