Dear admin @Rook
I'm really tired, I know the admin works hard to come up with the hacks, but what I want to say here is I bought the vip + and the app + for $ 34.99 and $ 19.99, however I Without receiving any help from the admin, I wonder why I'm stupid to spend money without you supporting me? Did I really bother you admin? I paid for your services and do I deserve the support? My problem is in Profile Verified, I cannot install the app from App + And when installing the icon displayed in black, touching the icon, there is no response. I do the following steps.
1. I bought vipplus and was confirmed, I also bought the app+ and received a confirmation email
2. Here how i get my udid and email confirm from iosgods
2. I deleted all the profiles in the device and rebooted the device and change country device ( many times)
3. I followed the Rook admin's video But why is my Verified Part still not activated?
Here my video how i download app+ and app game
4. Here my video check profile verified and try install app
and What do I need to do to pass this step? This is the second time I bought a vip and this time it's complicated and I don't know what I did wrong. Admin please support me sorry my bad english@Laxus