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  1. Mine still crashes. Did you reinstall it to get it to stop crashing?
  2. It won't let me log in. The option to log in via Google is greyed out, and I get an error when trying to log in via Apple or Game Center. We also need an update, please. Thank you!
  3. Hi, just wondering if you found a way around this? I've been getting this error for the last couple of days and downloading the new Developer Disk Images from Github for iOS 15.8.1 didn't help.
  4. Oh snap. I have mine logged in with Facebook, so logging out of GameCenter didn't affect me one bit. Did you figure it out?
  5. The game hasn't ever worked for me if I have my GameCenter logged in. Try signing out and then starting the game? Sorry if you've already tried doing this. It took me a couple of tries to figure this out tbh.
  6. @Laxus, I've been getting an update pop-up, but I don't see a different version on the app store 🤷‍♀️ It doesn't let me open the game tho
  7. I think I'm doing something wrong. I can't find the hack. The cheat engine says it's enabled, but it doesn't work 🤷‍♀️ Edit: Nvm, I figured it out 🙈
  8. @Laxus Could you please update this to Version 8.10? It came out a few days ago, so I'm not entirely sure if another update is around the corner. Thank you for all your hard work!
  9. @Laxus Please update the game to 8.9. Thanks in advance!
  10. Hey @Rook! Please update the game to 2.4.32. Thanks in advance.
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