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Status Replies posted by Diversityy

  1. Mr.Robot is a documentary based off of DiDA's life:

  2. DiDa is getting married

  3. iOSGods.com is the best website and most friendliest. <3

  4. Guys !! Pray for my Grandma :(

  5. Our Senpai, Klepto! :worship:

  6. Reply if your a Noob.

  7. #iOSv64forFemalePresident

  8. Does anyone play mc5 anymore our iosgods squad is so empty with not much activity

  9. Javi is back eyyyy

  10. i say xD too much

  11. #Stephen4President2015

  12. #Goggwell4Lyfe

  13. Birthday on july 14 wooo

  14. #Goggwell4Lyfe

  15. #KleptoForAdmin2015

  16. Birthday on july 14 wooo

  17. #KleptoForAdmin2015

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