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Posts posted by B1tcheslovesosa

  1. @Rook oh ok also I put the error code in ChatGPT and asked it what this error means and this is what it said i don’t know how any of this stuff works so idk what it’s saying but you might understand what it’s telling you and it might help but I have no clue 

    The error message you’ve provided indicates an issue during installation related to app extension placeholders. The error code “IXErrorDomain Code=2” suggests an internal error within the installation process. The main problem seems to be related to mismatched bundle IDs and placeholders for the app “com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.S96B52NZDU”.

    The error message “Attempted to set app extension placeholder promise with bundle ID com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.backgrounddownload that does not match required prefix of com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.S96B52NZDU. for parent” suggests that there’s a mismatch between the bundle ID of an app extension (com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.backgrounddownload) and the required prefix for the parent app (com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.S96B52NZDU).

    It appears that the installation process is failing due to this mismatch. To resolve this issue, you might need to review the configuration settings for the app and its extensions, ensuring that their bundle IDs are correctly aligned and have the appropriate prefixes. Double-checking the configuration files and ensuring they match might help resolve the problem.

    If you’re not sure how to proceed, you could reach out to the app’s support or development team for further assistance in resolving this specific installation error.

  2. I have been trying to use AltStore to download games from the iosgods App Store by pressing on the ipa AltStore download and when I do the games only show up as app ids in AltStore not a app that is active or a app on my phone that I can play

  3. I am trying to use sideloadly to download csr 2 to my iphone 13 version 16.6 and it gives me a error. I have tried multiple other apps to make sure it was just this app and all others worked besides csr 2 this is the error that i get

    There was an issue during installation: 0: APlInternalError (Error Domain=IXErrorDomain Code=2 "Failed to set app extension placeholders for com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.96B52NZDU" UserInfo=(NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to create promise., NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to set app extension placeholders for com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.S96B52NZDU, FunctionName=+ [IXPlaceholder

    _placeholderFor Bundle:client with Parent:installType:metadata:placeholderType:mayBeDeltaPackage:error:], SourceFileLine =884, NSUriderlyingError-Oxe96d0d580 (Error Domain=IXErrorDomain Code-8

    "Attempted to set app extension placeholder promise with bundle ID

    com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.backgrounddownload that does not match required prefix of com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.S96B52NZDU. for parent"

    UserInfo=(NSLocalizedDescription=AttemptedtosetappextensionplaceholderpromisewithbundleID com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.backgrounddownload that does not match required prefix of com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.S96B52NZDU. for parent, FunctionName=- [IXPlaceholder

    setAppExtensionPlaceholderPromises:error:], SourceFileLine = 1392,

    NSLocalizedFailureReason=Mismatched bundle IDs. 11)

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