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  1. +++ Also want to see this, thanks!
  2. So, iDecrypt works ONLY since iOS11, right? 32bit devices doesn't supported? Also important questions. 1. Is it possible to download an IPA from AppStore that in purchases section exists, but when trying to download, it says "product is unavailable"? I wonder if it's possible to send some http request or something. 2. Is it possible to decrypt IPA of old apps, if you don't have access to Apple ID of owner of this app? I heard there was a bypass on iOS6, but looks like it doesn't work now, and that's really sad. I wonder if there some other way around... The link and sign to app goes through executable file, right? (Bundle - Application - nameofapp.app - nameofapp.exe)
  3. What if I have a version below iOS 11?
  4. Interesting question. Why, If I extract files from .imazingapp archives, it becomes "root" permission? I mean, when I manually paste them through Filza, and I don't want to backup with iMazing app, reloading my device. I need to manually edit them on "mobile" through Filza, in folders too. It's so, so annoying, how to fix it?
  5. I also have same problem, I wonder how long it takes if IPA size is ~4Gb
  6. Hello everyone! I noticed that I have nice amount of old games in my AppStore purchases, that I can't find anywhere on Net. Looks like they wasn't saved at all, etc. The problem is - I don't know how to decrypt IPA to share it with anyone else. I have iPad mini 1 (iOS 8.1) and iPad 4 (iOS 10.3.4) Jailbroken, but I don't know how I can decrypt some files. The situation becomes difficult because I don't need just IPA file, I need to edit some in-game files (usually in-game saves, purchases unlocking etc), because such old games already deleted from AppStore and server purchases down, I can't even "hack" it. And also some games required in-game download content (downloadable from servers, but now servers are down, and content is lost *sob*) Old games = 32bit games existing back in 2011-2015 years in AppStore, was deleted due to 64bit rules etc. I really want to share old precious games with anyone else, because I love them, and it takes a special place in my heart. Thanks for advices! If anyone have Jailbroken iPad on iOS 7-11 (or for some games iOS 4-7), it would be nice if you can test some IPAs that I will try to build (I don't have any programming knowledge, unfortunately).
  7. I really want to upload my IPAs! I have some old 32bit games that is deleted from AppStore forever. I want to decrypt them, modify if possible (maybe unlocking in app purchases) and share with anyone here! Unfortunately, I don't have any coding knowledge, but I hope someone can help me out! I want to participate in iOS Legacy Games!
  8. How is it going? I also have some problems, but with another game - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy by Square Enix. I just can't edit files in Documents folder because it's empty, before I run the app in first time, and I don't need to run the app. ;(
  9. First wave of bans went in game. So, someone already hacked it, lol.
  10. +1. I think more safe feature would be "no HP decrease" to be able to complete everything.
  11. Oh, and note - NEVER use no skill cooldown on current Error Busters mode. It affects ratings, and it's unfair, so you easily can get banned for sure! Experienced already. upd. It wasn't exactly Error Busters mode, I just had really bad luck playing in GB and Alliance with 3 sets toppings that was bugged stacked, with no Cooldown mod (4-11 October), and got banner after maintenance 12th of October. Looks like I am the only one, and that's terrible.
  12. Oh, looks like after today's maintenance some accounts got banned (because of topping stack issue). Possibly it's because playing the Guild Battles and Alliance with no skill cooldown feature. I think now using even skill cooldown can be risky.
  13. Looks like the game isn't hackable at all?
  14. NonVIP mode 4.10 (only Cooldown) crashes at launch, unfortunately.
  15. Guys, what the digits I'd better should use not to be banned? Using this only for PvE, right?
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