@Rook @Laxus update: I couldn’t open the app with the deb after latest update because the app would crash immediately; never happened to me before in years. IOS 13.3.1 unc0ver.
I tried something funny, I downloaded your modded non-JB SWGOH app from IOSGods+ app and then I installed the deb for that one (mad annoying because the mod menu is buggy since I gotta Login twice) but guess what...it works. So why tf the official swgoh app from AppStore doesn’t let me use the deb? It’s not my device per se, since it does allow deb installs after all.
Do you have an ipa for SWGOH without any hacks? I want to sideload it and deb that one. I feel like if it comes from a 3rd party source it’ll allow itself to be deb tweaked without crashing.