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Everything posted by carpoa

  1. Example/semi-doc of the IOS-Il2cppResolver tool made by @batchh. Its not gonna be the best however it is better than nothing. I recommend you use this if you don't understand how to use the tool. I will update this if I get a better understanding or if more information is passed down to me to add here. Unless it becomes obsolete. Download IOS-Il2cppResolver: Just so you're aware it is not limited to whatever is inside the AssemblyCSharp.dll. It also includes any and all types that is being used within the game including but not limited to UnityEngine types. Resolving functions from namespaces/classes: // Get the pointer of the following function from the following Namespace/classe(s) // Arg1: Namespace/Class path // Arg2: Method name // Arg3: Target arguments // Return: target ptr (in this case 'get_CampType' pointer) IL2CPP::Class::Utils::GetMethodPointerRVA("GameEngine.BattleSystem.BattleUnitStatus", "get_CampType", 3); // return -> *function_ptr // Example of get_CampType public static void get_CampType(DataCharacter p_DataCharacter, int p_Level = 0, [Optional] Stat p_Stat) { return null; } // As you can see we have 3 arguments within the target function. // IF you do not parse the amount of arguments within 'get_CampType' then it can cause an issue with resolving the function. Even the [optional]'s For some context. The method pointer is returned allowing you to instantly hook as soon as you call the function and the pointer is returned. Hooking directly after getting target pointer: // Here we are instantly hooking whatever result is resolved and returned from the GetMethodPointerRVA HOOK(IL2CPP::Class::Utils::GetMethodPointerRVA("GameEngine.BattleSystem.BattleUnitStatus", "get_CampType", 0), Hget_CampType, old_get_CampType); // It is recommended you dont do this but instead first get the rva, make sure it is handled then hook it to ensure it doesnt break anything or cause any issues. Remember to parse the argument size where the 0 is. Read above snippet for insight. Helper.hpp Going over soon. Class.hpp IL2CPP::Class: Going over soon. IL2CPP::Class::Utils: Getting the static field of a class: int* field = IL2CPP::Class::Utils::GetStaticField("MyClassPath", "myField"); printf(field); // prints the pointer of the field Setting the static field of a class: int* cashToSet = 100000; IL2CPP::Class::Utils::SetStaticField("MyPathToClass", "myField", cashToSet); // Gets the targeted field then sets the value to it of the targeted pointer in this case 'cashToSet'. Getting the pointer of a static field of a class: int* fieldPtr = IL2CPP::Class::Utils::GetFieldOffset("MyPathToClass", "myField"); printf(fieldPtr); // We resolve the pointer of the field then we print it. Getting the method pointer of a method: void* methodPtr = IL2CPP::Class::Utils::GetMethodPointer("MyPathToClass", "MyMethodName"); // resolves the method then returns its pointer int* intMethodPtr = static_cast<int*>(methodPtr); // We then cast it (I call it a convert) into a pointer printf("%p\n", static_cast<void*>(intMethodPtr)); // We then print the resulting pointer after convertion Getting the RVA of a Method: uint64_t RVA = IL2CPP::Class::Utils::GetMethodPointerRVA("MyPathToClass", "myMethod",0); // already covered above printf(RVA); // prints the RVA of the method Getting the param name from specific method index: void MyMethod(int param1, int param2); // example char* paramN = MethodGetParamName("MyMethod", 2); // get param2 printf(paramN); // -> "param2" Getting the param type from specific method index: void MyMethod(int param1, int param2); // example char* paramN = MethodGetParamType("MyMethod", 2); // get param2 printf(paramN); // -> "int/integer" (not sure what the actual output would be but you get the idea) Getting the class from a specific type: char* Class = ClassFromType("bool"); // get param2 printf(paramN); // -> myClass
  2. Been writing a tutorial/semi-doc for ios-il2cppResolver. Will post soon. Finishing up with Class.hpp :coolthumb:

    1. carpoa


      its already posted btw just lookup IOS-Il2cppResolver in the tutorials section.

    2. RehmanAfridi


      @carpoa Hello Brother, please make tutorial on this. how to make it work and also please give an example like how to patch offset with this and how to hook it using this:  https://github.com/itsPow45/iOS-Jailed-Runtime-Offset-Patching-and-Hooking/tree/main

      This is offset patch and hook for non jb using h5gg but its theos based. work with theos

  3. Server sided. Literally cant do anything like at all.
  4. Explain well enough (examples, types, etc) and I might 👀
  5. Thank you. Thought I'd do it since there wasn't one lol
  6. Forgot if I commented or not. Tool is very useful for dumping games that the online dumper cannot. 11/10 Made tutorial on it:
  7. Please be aware this is intended for those whom have knowledge on reversing games and patching. This in no way is a guide to make your own cheat. Really useful tool called IOS-il2cppdumper which allows you to dump the binary data of the game but as it is ran. This works pretty much just like the il2cppdumper tool that is on the site (or the github version) but put into a .debain file allowing you to inject it into any game and do it live too. It dumping while the game is live can help circumvent any dumping issues you would usually face when trying to dump some games like (for example) Jujutsu Awakening. Download IOS-il2cppdumper: Using Il2cppdumper online: Using IOS-Il2cppdumper: Once you have downloaded it follow the steps: Inject/install the Debian file (can be done through IGG app which is avalible at https://repo.iosgods.com ) Once installed/Injected launch the game Wait for the first pop up to show then dismiss it Once dismissed wait until the second popup shows If the second popup is green (or has a green check mark at the top) then go to the path displayed (can be done through a file manager like FIlza) Unzip the .zip and you will see a folder called "Assembly" Open the "Assembly" folder Find the file that corresponds to the games files (not Unity/UnityEngine) which should usually be "Assembly-CSharp.dll".cs Open the targeted C# file and then browse it. Everything is in a neat order and layout for you with all the corresponding addresses (if there is one it can get) commented at the end Example output of target:
  8. been busy lad. ill try today working on some asp's for other games/updating stuff.
  9. Would you mind pming me and helping me add imgui to the online theos?

    1. Batch
    2. carpoa


      @batchhAh ok. I've asked rook so will see what they say. Thanks bro.

    3. Travis6969
  10. Any cheaters able to walk me through adding ImGui to the OnlineTheos?

    Have little clue what I am doing when it comes to adding it.

  11. Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Own All Store items for free (Godmode, Golden Items etc.) [VIP ONLY] - Age specific cheats (End childs current lover, set if the child is living with hero etc) [VIP ONLY] - Cult cheats, Crime cheats and more [VIP ONLY] - No Ads [FREE CHEAT] Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - @carpoa Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  12. Only able to make it an IPA because rook added the IPA compile feature so thank god for that
  13. Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - 10 Shots [FREE] - No Ads (Rewarded still works) [Free] - Inf Currencies [VIP] - No spread [VIP] - Guns automatic [Free] - No shot delay [Free] - Enemys don't shoot [VIP] - Unlock all guns/outfits [VIP] - Really fast bullets [VIP] - Patterns Completed [VIP] - VIP Unlocked [VIP] - Wolds Unlocked [VIP] - Hostage Never dies [Free] - Inf Ammo [VIP] - Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - @carpoa Cheat Video/Screenshots:
  14. Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - 10 Shots [FREE] - No Ads (Rewarded still works) [Free] - Inf Currencies [VIP] - No spread [VIP] - Guns automatic [Free] - No shot delay [Free] - Enemys don't shoot [VIP] - Unlock all guns/outfits [VIP] - Really fast bullets [VIP] - Patterns Completed [VIP] - VIP Unlocked [VIP] - Wolds Unlocked [VIP] - Hostage Never dies [Free] - Inf Ammo [VIP] - Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - @carpoa Cheat Video/Screenshots:
  15. @Rooksent you a pm about a bug with .deb JB Rootless cheats in that one single pm we use. I supplied some info about my device and jailbreak too.

  16. Posted my first IPA cheat that also works for Non-JB

    Only made possible thanks to @Rook's IPA compiler ❤️ 

  17. Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - No Ads - God Mode - Movement Speed Slider - No shot cooldown - Unlock All ships - Inf cargo storage - Currency Freeze and +9999 on spend - Inf Currency - Unlock ships tab - All ships max stars - Free Premium Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - @carpoa Cheat Video/Screenshots: Now supporting IPA cheats ❤️
  18. Looks like I gotta use media fire for file uploads since IosDDL emails aren't being delivered.

    If there is an better alternative (or an alternative that is only allowed) please lmk.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GilloDaby


      All clean in a folder ahahahjZeEfNC.png

    3. Laxus


      What is your registered iosddl email?

    4. carpoa


      @Laxus pm me and I will let you know. I tried making a new account on another email same thing no email came through.

    5. Laxus


      I think @Rookwill handle it, just asking in case he need it without waiting for your reply to save both time

    6. carpoa


      @Laxus Igu. I just wont give out my personal email on here without it going into pms. @Rook can ofc pm me if he needs it. If you want to parse it to them ofc like I said you can pm me for it.

  19. Anyone else having issues with iosddl not loading? Page loads but the page just wont display anything else but the circle.


    Fixed its self ignore.

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