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    iPhone SE (2020)
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    Game development, Cyber Security

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  1. E2EE for iCloud is dead inside of the uk. 




  2. @Rook decrypt store is very laggy after logging into my account. I cannot scroll and bearly type anything. It is pretty much inoperable. I have refreshed the tab too which usually fixes this.

    1. Puddin


      BT network btw LULLUL 

    2. carpoa


      Got nothing to do with network 

    3. Rook


      I cannot reproduce. Perhaps restart your browser...?

    4. carpoa


      Let me try to revisit the site might just be one of those cache/random bugs.

    5. carpoa


      Fixed now just one of those weird random things.

  3. I do wish we had more freedoms when trying to do things with the online theos tool. For example instead of having to pm @Rook to add things like Imgui to our projects for esp etc. 


    Would be nice but I don't mind either way. I forgot why this is so do re-educate me if I am missing something.

    1. Rook


      For security reasons unfortunately.

    2. carpoa


      Yeah that's fair enough do wish though.

  4. Does this hack ur iOS guys? I need to know!!!!

  5. two new Chinese ais released, deep seek and one other. Its funny watching the silly American corps lose billions from something that is open source and 10000x cheaper kekw

  6. dayzgone hella under rated.

    1. Rook



  7. FBI did a huge take down on many sites like cracked.io, starkrdp (now how am I going to get my rdps :( this is a joke), nulled and tons more.


    john hammond has made a video on it.

  8. Reset my macs SMC and now it sounds like a constant loud fan, cpu usage is sporadic and Turbo booster cannot get the cpu temp and fan speed….

    I “Love” mac.

  9. Very cool never thought this would get cheated on again but to be fair I've seen people running around with aimbots sometimes etc before when playing (2023 - 2025). Gimmie it does a little more than that I'm pretty sure. @Rook can comment on this.
  10. There's > 1k people on the discord so there is some slight demand.
  11. I don’t think I am able to upload things there yet I think that is reserved for higher level cheaters unlike my self.
  12. If any cheat devs here are making any games then I might be able to contribute if I have made a cheat for x beforehand. I don't mind passing you any of my own patches since I havent updated anything since around last October/November. 

    List of my games:

    • Johnny Trigger
    • Bitlife
    • Pirate Raid Caribbean Battle

    Not a lot but I did have a few things for each cheat. Do pm me. Only for actual cheat developers like Laxus, ik_ik, "penguin dude" etc

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GilloDaby


      • Pirate Raid Caribbean Battle if you don't mind!! If you considared me like a real cheat dev x)
    3. carpoa


      Sent. Enjoy. @GilloDaby

    4. carpoa


      Just want to throw it out there I'm not quiting I am just busy with life and shtuff.

    5. Puddin


      Send me your Bitlife ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    6. carpoa


      @Puddin I’ll do it tomorrow it’s 2am 

  13. do you plan on updating your bit life cheats? If so do you want me to pass you my patches for you to update so I can migrate my post to your own? I don't really plan on updating it for a while. If you do want me to pass you the patches send me a pm and I will copy paste the code to you.

    Here's my post with features listed. I don't think the age specific cheats really work from what I remember. 


  14. Youre not just throwing the .ipa into ghidra right? Also its not easy to just find functions etc. You need to actively debug the game if it is non-unity which means il2cpp decompiler wont work therefore making you have to not only debug the game but also go through the trouble of resolving stuff too and figuring it out.
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