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    iPad Air 2
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  • Jailbroken
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    Galaxy S9
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    Android 8
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  1. I'm sorry I called you a man. Why can't anyone play? What are you talking about?
  2. Hey, man, if you got money, just sit tight and don't yell. There are a lot of those who want to play and who have a bad financial opportunity. So I suggest you do not open more than this subject, if you're a smart guy.
  3. Not working in ios 11.3.1 JB Unc0ver. No menu with settings
  4. Hey bro, not work for me. iOS 12.1.2, JB unc0ver. No menu with settings
  5. Update pls. Not work! There is no mod. iOS 12.1.2 JB
  6. What's everyone thankful for?! Mod no works! Game crashes!!!
  7. 1) Fight at a distance open, but you cannot complete - crashes in the game menu. 2) Premium also does not work, you can play, but if you win just throws in the game menu and points are not credited and the fight is not counted. So the test mod does not work (( ios 11.3.1
  8. After connecting the Internet connection error occurs.
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