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    iPhone 8 Plus

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  1. If it was in free section I would've agreed with you. But it's not. And at this point I would call it false advertising. I paid for VIP solely for this hack and it's not working. I was promised an update but got a semi update which doesn't work at all and he went ahead and shamelessly changed the title to new version too and put a promise to update it in a few hours making a honeypot trap for new VIP. And 2 days passed from those few hours. So no sir, people who complain about VIP gets my fully sympathy.
  2. In couple of hours. p.s: Jupiter time. Not earth!
  3. Just reminding you that those "few hours" is 20+ hours now and slowly turning into a day oh the anticipation is killin'!
  4. How is that my problem? I have been using this hack for a year now without getting ban. I have been using it when it was free.
  5. I did mention in my previous post. - freezing resources doesn't work. - changing nations doesn't work. - freezing achievements doesn't work. - Instant university research doesn't work. I am not saying that I do not appreciate all that you do. But I was expecting better on time updates. I had to read all posts for a fix or if I did something wrong but these issues were here for more than a month now and no follow up by anyone mentioning the issues so I could wait for a proper time to donate. (I am a poor guy lol)
  6. So disappointed at this @DiDA, I bought VIP for this hack and half of it is not working.
  7. Thanks edit: Tested, most of the options does not work. Can not reclaim achievements multiple times. Or freeze anything.
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