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    iPhone 13 Pro
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    Coding, parkour, reverse engineering
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Community Answers

  1. Glad to hear
  2. This error seems to be because of; https://github.com/MJx0/KittyMemory/blob/master/KittyMemory/MemoryPatch.cpp#L10-L12 I think this file is not being included, and thus it doesn't know what these symbols are. Try setting; _NO_KEYSTONE = 0 In your Makefile. And then also this part; https://github.com/MJx0/KittyMemory/blob/master/example-ios/Makefile#L35-L41 This makes sure the actual lib gets loaded, and the defined header functions know what they are.
  3. Unfortunately, I do not. I'm not maintaining it anymore, as I no longer make hacks. You could try updating the KittyMemory folder with a newer one; https://github.com/MJx0/KittyMemory, as I'm sure the menu isn't using the latest version. So basically, remove the KittyMemory folder in your current project, download the one from GitHub and try to re-compile. There's a PR that updates KittyMemory as well, to add support to rootless and roothide, but I've never had the chance to test it. You might need to change your Makefile as well once you do so; https://github.com/joeyjurjens/iOS-Mod-Menu-Template-for-Theos/pull/57/files#diff-cf5ef6e6c38c038041ca5a09004a90778eabae10116da12ba1cd05d752f0bf6e If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what the issue is. Let me know if it works though, then I'll update the template on GitHub. Thanks.
  4. Not really, I used to do like abilities mods and other tourney stuff but this is shut down so not really relevant anymore. It's also a while since I've done any modding, so I don't remember much anymore haha.
  5. @Happy Secret Maybe you can help?
  6. kitty memory error any fix? sprintf deprecated tried using snprintf cuz they its an alternative then a error no matching funtion call so i add sizeof() worked but game froze -_- help plz.

    1. Ted2


      I'm not the maintainer of KittyMemory, so you ask him instead. Alternatively, don't use the latest available SDKs.

    2. SevenModz
    3. SevenModz


      ima try a different sdk


  7. you need to set the correct bundle, otherwise it doesn't know where to inject to edit; oh just saw you already figured that out yourself.
  8. you came back

    1. Ted2



    2. Zahir


      Welcome back @Ted2 :highfive: 

  9. You could also try online theos, maybe it's easier;
  10. You're not getting the same error if you've replaced your old hook with the one I provided. I just tested this on my machine. However, your tweak.xm is full of errors. It's probably best if you go online to learn the basics of programming syntax. Alternatively, for every change you make to the tweak.xm, do a "make package", so you know exactly when you did something wrong. Because right now, there are multiple errors in multiple places.
  11. Your hook function is written wrong, it should be; float(*old_GetGhostMaxSpeed)(void *this_); float GetGhostMaxSpeed(void *this_) { if([switches isSwitchOn:@"SpeedHack"]) { return old_GetGhostMaxSpeed * [[switches getValueFromSwitch:@"SpeedHack"] floatValue]; } // Note I'm closing the if statement here!!!!!!!!!!!!! return old_GetGhostMaxSpeed(this_); }
  12. Your tweak.xm is broken, you forgot to close something.
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