I'm getting this error:
Sideloadly version 0.50.3, Windows 10.0, amd64
App successfully prepared for auto-refresh
Using IPA file: C:/Users/ThisI/Downloads/CSR 2 Drag Racing Car Games ViP Hack No Jailbreak Cheats 4.8.0 Hacked IPA by iOSGods.com.ipa: 2e3ce2ad69d0265c24360b9849c76419
Will use Local Anisette (iTunes Anisette)
Checking iOS version...
iOS version 16.6, will mangle bundleID
Will drop all plug-ins
Prefetching Anisette...
Sideloadly will be shown in your Apple ID as PC running Windows 6.2(0,0)
Obtaining team ID
Using team "Nicholas Poeng" (Individual) with id K7T3Z6GT9U
Making sure device ID 00008120-0016656C34E8C01E is registered
Registered device with UDID 00008120-0016656C34E8C01E as Not yo iPhone
Checking private key
Making CSR
Signing certificate for OverKill
Revoking cert for DESKTOP-JMNUSPH
Looking up app ID
Registered dummy app ID 3RN3Y2SL2V
Provisioning profile TTL: 7 days, local: True
Got error: Call to lockdownd_start_service failed: LOCKDOWN_E_MUX_ERROR. IPA file exists, retrying
FAILED: Call to lockdownd_start_service failed: LOCKDOWN_E_MUX_ERROR
I think we should just retry!
Retrying, attempt 2...
Installation failed: 0 APIInternalError (Error Domain=IXErrorDomain Code=2 "Failed to set app extension placeholders for com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.K7T3Z6GT9U" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to create promise., NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to set app extension placeholders for com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.K7T3Z6GT9U, FunctionName=+[IXPlaceholder _placeholderForBundle:client:withParent:installType:metadata:placeholderType:mayBeDeltaPackage:error:], SourceFileLine=884, NSUnderlyingError=0x8e0d12580 {Error Domain=IXErrorDomain Code=8 "Attempted to set app extension placeholder promise with bundle ID com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.backgrounddownload that does not match required prefix of com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.K7T3Z6GT9U. for parent" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Attempted to set app extension placeholder promise with bundle ID com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.backgrounddownload that does not match required prefix of com.naturalmotion.customstreetracer2.K7T3Z6GT9U. for parent, FunctionName=-[IXPlaceholder setAppExtensionPlaceholderPromises:error:], SourceFileLine=1392, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Mismatched bundle IDs.}}})
Anyway to fix this?