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    DC comics, Elder scrolls, DBZ

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  1. why do these freakshows at bandai update the game twice in the same week zzzzz!
  2. Can we get an update pwetty pwease mr rwook 🥺
  3. I've been having an issue with the speed hack manager function of iGameGod not working on Dragon Ball Legends. The speed hack worked since iosgods launched it but 2 DBL updates ago it broke the speed hack. I also tried updating to the most recent version of iGameGod which now has a toggle between v.1 and v.2, and still, both don't work. Does anybody else have this issue, or is my device just pooping itself?
  4. @Rook yeah it’s been working since igamegod came out, however this update seemed to break it. V1 nor V2 of the speedhack work
  5. @Rook do you have any idea why igamegod speed hack doesn’t work on this app after this update?
  6. @Rook you ever get annoyed of how much they update this game in a single week
  7. @Rook they’ve done it again! Those rascals!
  8. yeah it’s not updated. This game hasn’t ever had jb detection. I make legit in app purchases often. Also while this thread is lively does anyone know what mods if any, work in co-op?
  9. How do you know it detects jb? Did u get banned @K4rolek
  10. @Rook another update 😩 they keep breaking sh!t!
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