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Posts posted by alexfei

  1. Hello ! Today i just install file deb by filza , it give me a error

    [exec dpkg -i] ...
    bash-5.0$ dpkg -i "/var/mobile/Documents/iosgods.weaponheroes_3.4+iOSGods.com_iphoneos-arm.deb" ;
    [1mdpkg:[0m [1;31merror:[0m requested operation requires superuser privilege

    please help me

    im on 13.5 jb unc0ver device ipxs max

    @Rook help me please

  2. 8 hours ago, Tiger54 said:

    I recently JB my iPhone 7.All was good,then today I couldn’t send pictures to my friends, I couldn’t use the Barclays app even tho I had multiple jailbreak bypass tweaks.So I restarted my phone, and now my cydia won’t open, my uncover isn’t opening. I can now send pictures but I can’t open the Barclays app, meaning I’m still jail broken. But non of the jailbreak apps are working.do I have to wait for a new certificate?

    Use icleaner !! Everything will 👌 

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