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Everything posted by Duelist

  1. Okay so my theory of it being related to the plist was right. Setting the bundle ID to the correct ID during theos creation was the issue.
  2. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <string>com.company.appname</string> </plist> Just the standard of what theos generates
  3. I will break down the steps I am taking to make a .deb with the offsets I tested and maybe that will give you enough info. Just to note I am only working with Unity based games currently. 1. Decrypt app with Decrypted iOS IPA Store and download the decrypted IPA. 2. Open the decrypted IPA with WinRAR and extract the global-metadata + UnityFramework binary 3. Using il2cppDumper I then use the UnityFramework + global-metadata to get a dump 4. Opening the dump.cs that was created in Xcode or VSCode I then start searching for offsets to test 5. Now that I found offsets, I then side load the decrypted IPA to my jailbroken device using sideloadly 6. Now I use the IGG Live Offset patcher with JIT enabled in sideloadly to test the offsets to see what works 7. Now that I have offsets I move to theos, I am using TED2's template here. I have the template .tar in my templates folder within theos 8. I then move to the terminal. Running $THEOS/bin/nic.pl and selecting the TED2 template 9. I then enter the info that theos asks, however I am unsure what to put in bundle filter so I leave it blank 10. Now that theos has created the folder I open up the makefile first and set MOBILE_THEOS=0 as I am on mac 11. Then I open KittyMemory.cpp and add "#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" to the code as "sprintf" is depreciated and will throw an error during compile otherwise 12. Next I open the Tweak.xm file in Xcode and put in my offsets and patches within the void setup(). In this case I was just trying with one basic switch. Example: [switches addOffsetSwitch:NSSENCRYPT("SWITCH NAME") description:NSSENCRYPT("SWITCH DESCRIPTION") offsets: { ENCRYPTOFFSET("OFFSET") } bytes: { ENCRYPTHEX("PATCH") I also set the framework from "NULL" to "UnityFramework" 13. Now that I have saved the Tweak.xm file I then cd into the folder and run "make package" 14. I then navigate to the /packages to find the newly created .deb which I then upload to iosddl 15. Now on my jailbroken device the I download the .deb from iosddl and install it through filza 16. I run the app that the .deb is made for, however I do not see the menu appear. These are the steps that I have been taking so far to create the menu through theos. If I am missing something blatantly simple, I apologize as I am just learning this for the first time! Thanks for your help. 😅
  4. I have been trying to learn how to make my own Mod Menus that I can eventually release to the community for different games. I am running into one issue that I cannot seem to find any documentation on the forums. I was able to compile my .deb via theos using TED2's menu template that was on the forums. However, I cannot get the menu to showup in game after installing it on my device. The game I am working on is Unity based so I have UnityFramework set in the code. I read briefly that it may be related to my plist, but I am not sure what I am missing, or what would need to be there if that was the case. Thanks in advance for any help on this
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