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Dark Light

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  1. @Laxus When I try to buy the Bitizen pass by pressing « Cancel » in the purchase window, it simply doesn’t work.. Nothing happens. What could be the reason ? What am I doing wrong ?
  2. 3 months VIP would be great.
  3. It takes time, but he will do it. He always does it. No need to worry.
  4. @Amcursach Disable Facebook Bind Disable GameCenter Delete the game Then, just reset your advertising identifier (Settings->Privacy->Advertising), and reinstall the modded APK. You're officially ready for another try !
  5. @astronavts Just reset your advertising identifier (Settings->Privacy->Advertising), and you're ready to go for another try. Remember : - Never stay above 1000 flooz. - Never finish #1 in an event (Guild, Blitz, and so on...) - Never abuse the Gold Level - Always increase Prism Level AFTER an ascension. Fortune Chests can be bought 15-20 per day / 50 per day at the beginning when under 700 stage. Be extremely careful when you increase the stars of your hero.
  6. Is this hack safe, @Zahir ? How to avoid the ban ? What are the things that I should absolutely not do with it ?
  7. Thanks again for your quick answer. Now I can play in peace.
  8. Thanks for your answer. How can I play now with the modded apk, since there is a little patch ? Reinstall it ?
  9. By the way, @gogigogi1, I wanted to know something. Why have you disabled the option to have 600 floor from the Fortune wheel ? Was it too hard to do each time ? A ban trigger maybe ?
  10. @gogigogi1 Dude, you’re the best. Thanks for your great work. Take care.
  11. New Update : 1.5.520 ! https://m.facebook.com/notes/crush-them-all/lunar-new-year-2019/1451013765040877/ Mod no longer works. @gogigogi1 Do your best if you have the time to work on it.
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