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    iPad Pro (2nd gen)
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Community Answers

  1. You sir can get it for free at this pace!
  2. ✅ Request Fulfilled This request (or parts of it) have been filled! Please use the search bar on iOSGods.com or the iOSGods App to locate the relevant iOS hack(s).
  3. Actually true if anyone is interested.
  4. Which one of you just decrypted the Grindr app

    1. Puddin


      Probably you, no?

    2. VaaR
    3. papas


      why would someone decrypt the Grindr appLUL

    4. Meepo


      Hell nah tf 💀💀💀

  5. Any iGameGod RootHide available to test a fix?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Puddin


      What .deb installer?

    3. Puddin


      Ooh the iGG one?

    4. Rook


      Yes, test and send me results via PM.

    5. Puddin


      You can’t use it. When I press on share, igamegod doesn’t show 

    6. Rook


      Well that's a different issue entirely.. Does a reinstall help perhaps?

  6. Check if you have installed an outdated tweak that injects to all apps.
  7. Please send me a video of your issue.
  8. Sounds like you have installed a troublesome tweak that may be affecting iGameGod & Sileo to get that popup?
  9. Uninstall, open Filza and search for "iGameGod" in root and remove all results. Then reinstall.
  10. What do they convert to?
  11. ✅ Request Fulfilled This request (or parts of it) have been filled! Please use the search bar on iOSGods.com or the iOSGods App to locate the relevant iOS hack(s).
  12. The iOSGods App is now signed! :party: 

  13. ✅ Request Fulfilled This request (or parts of it) have been filled! Please use the search bar on iOSGods.com or the iOSGods App to locate the relevant iOS hack(s).
  14. Launch iGMenu in Safe Mode as RootHide has some issues with our tweaks. Please read our "iOSGods Authenticator & iOSGods Menu FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions!" topic: https://iosgods.com/topic/67148-iosgods-authenticator-iosgods-menu-faq-frequently-asked-questions/ This could be related to StoreKit config. Try disabling it when compiling.
  15. You should try running 'uicache' in terminal or restart your SpringBoard as that should bring it up. Also, for that iOS version, it's possible iFile may work better.
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