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About This Club

A Club For The Clash Of Clans Players
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hi everyone, I was wondering is there an active copies of clash of clans and clash royal in the IOSGODS store to be downloaded ?
  3. The base is good, but there is a flaw, easily taken out with dragons, it would be possible to change the balance )
  4. Is My Base Good ? Any flaws let me know whether to switch it up Thank You! Sorry it is blurry when I uploaded it the quality lowered.
  5. Or just add me i will invite you - #LY8V8Y0C
  6. Attention all CoC Gamers, TheArmKing needs your help, he is trying to collect the best of members for his friends clan so we can all donate and have fun wars. All you need to do is join the clan - #20YRLGJG8 See you all there, btw we have a th12 guy and i am th10 with th9 max stuff
  7. Link Load Clash Of Clans
  8. What do you mean?
  9. Hi everybody I would like to play Clash Of Clans but do not know the fraudulent link people can give me Thanks
  10. Looks Nice
  11. So since no one is posting I guess I start the first post by allowing you guys to rate my base 1-10 http://imgur.com/Npxs4Xt

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