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3 hours ago, TheArmKing said:

Deleting the x86 files is what makes the mod run on Emulators , i am not sure about it i will test it on Nox tomorrow ... 
It works on my phone however :) 

Oh, that makes sense, thanks.

I just tested it a bit more on Nox while logged on to my Google Play account and it turned out it sort of works, but not exactly how I'd like it to. I tried it in pvp (arena) and while I still had normal cooldowns, my opponent did not. It looks like the mod does the opposite, makes it harder for me and easier for AI.


I don't know why my cooldowns don't work (they were fine on my mobile while on a guest account), but I think your mod might be working for both sides, it's just in your video you fought a low level team with no special abilities, so it wasn't noticeable. I'm thinking this, because it's the same for the IOS mod, it works for both sides and needs to be turned on and off between turns.

I installed and logged in with google+ works perfect

Donwload this mod apk to unsign download winrar for phone 

Open this mod apk with winrar and select the lib folder put it outside the apk now delete lib folder put the lib back from outside , voila its unsigned

Now download from googleplay starwars log in  the game then close , install your unsigned apk over the googleplay one , you can login now with mod

(Lucky patcher needed to patch your android)

3 hours ago, bierrrr said:

Oh, that makes sense, thanks.

I just tested it a bit more on Nox while logged on to my Google Play account and it turned out it sort of works, but not exactly how I'd like it to. I tried it in pvp (arena) and while I still had normal cooldowns, my opponent did not. It looks like the mod does the opposite, makes it harder for me and easier for AI.


I don't know why my cooldowns don't work (they were fine on my mobile while on a guest account), but I think your mod might be working for both sides, it's just in your video you fought a low level team with no special abilities, so it wasn't noticeable. I'm thinking this, because it's the same for the IOS mod, it works for both sides and needs to be turned on and off between turns.

Ya . It works for both sides . Thats why i am trying to find skip enemy turn... and i cant do iGMM in android xD . There are special abilities -_- like the stormtrooper cant do multiple enemy attack every turn . Neither can the gorilla taunt every turn

35 minutes ago, evilsimsek said:

I installed and logged in with google+ works perfect

Donwload this mod apk to unsign download winrar for phone 

Open this mod apk with winrar and select the lib folder put it outside the apk now delete lib folder put the lib back from outside , voila its unsigned

Now download from googleplay starwars log in  the game then close , install your unsigned apk over the googleplay one , you can login now with mod

(Lucky patcher needed to patch your android)

Thanka for reporting m8 :kiss: 


5 hours ago, TheArmKing said:

Ya . It works for both sides . Thats why i am trying to find skip enemy turn... and i cant do iGMM in android xD . There are special abilities -_- like the stormtrooper cant do multiple enemy attack every turn . Neither can the gorilla taunt every turn

Now it makes sense, yes, the mods definitely works for both sides. When you say you can't do IGMM in android, does it mean you've got no skills to do it (yet?) or it can't be done period? I've been checking the code and I can't imagine being able to inject any code to il2cpp, but then again I'm just a beginner and amateur.

Skip enemy turn would be a really good mod, it would make all modifications which work on both sides actually useful.


I know I'm new here with barely any posts yet, but if you need any help testing your findings or some pre-alpha version, just let me know, I'm more than happy to help.

2 hours ago, hezijezu said:

Now it makes sense, yes, the mods definitely works for both sides. When you say you can't do IGMM in android, does it mean you've got no skills to do it (yet?) or it can't be done period? I've been checking the code and I can't imagine being able to inject any code to il2cpp, but then again I'm just a beginner and amateur.

Skip enemy turn would be a really good mod, it would make all modifications which work on both sides actually useful.


I know I'm new here with barely any posts yet, but if you need any help testing your findings or some pre-alpha version, just let me know, I'm more than happy to help.

both i would say .. I aint that good at modding either and igmm havent been focused on for android, always been there for ios :) 

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      Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/
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